Reading Data
Fetching Relations

Fetching Relations

Relations can be fetched by calling a query builder's with function. The field modules of relation fields will contain fetch functions, the results of which can be passed to with. The fetch function of a many relation takes a Vec of WhereParam, while a single relation's fetch function takes no arguments.

Once fetched, relation data can be accessed in two ways:

  1. (Recommended) Use relation access functions on the parent struct. These will give you a Result containing a reference to the relation data. This is the recommended approach as the Result error type will inform you that the field hasn't been fetched using with.

  2. Use the data directly on the parent struct. This gives you direct access to the relation data, where it is wrapped inside an Option to determine whether it has been fetched. Doing this only recommended if you need to take ownership of the relation data, as dealing with nested options can be tricky and not as descriptive as the errors provided by accessor functions.

Whether a relation has been loaded can only be guaranteed at compile time if the accessor's Result is not able to panic - ie. unwrap, expect etc are not called on it. See Select & Include for completely type-safe ways of fetching relations.

The examples use the following schema:

model Post {
    id        String   @id @default(cuid())
    published Boolean
    title     String
    content   String?
    desc      String?
    comments Comment[]
model Comment {
    id        String   @id @default(cuid())
    content   String
    post   Post   @relation(fields: [postID], references: [id])
    postID String

Single Relations

In this example, the post relation is loaded alongside a comment.

use prisma::{comment, post};
let comment: Option<comment::Data> = client
// Since the above query includes a with() call
// the result will be an Ok()
let post: Result<post::Data, String> =;

Many Relations

In this example, a post and its comments are loaded.

use prisma::{comment, post};
let post: Option<post::Data> = client
    // Many relation requires Vec of filters as argument
let comments: Result<Vec<comment::Data>, String> = post.comments();

Nested Relations

fetch returns a query builder, so you can nest calls like with to fetch nested relations.

In this example, a post is loaded with its comments, and each comment is loaded with the original post.

use prisam::{comment, post};
let post: post::Data = client
// Safe since post::comments::fetch has been used
for comment in post.comments().unwrap() {
    // Safe since comment::post::fetch has been used
    let post =;
    assert_eq!(, "0");